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Student Athlete Code of Conduct


Philosophy | Philosophy for Athletic Programs | Student Guidelines & Responsibilities | Attendance | Academic Probation and Suspension | Consequences for In-School/Out-of-School Behavior | Student/Parent Acknowledgement Form


Interscholastic athletics in the Schuylerville Central School District is an integral part of the regular school program. It assists in preparing students for success in their studies and lives.

While the district understands that competition is important, its primary goal is to encourage good sportsmanship and responsibility among students, coaches, and the community. Participation in a well-designed and structured interscholastic athletic program can help each student reach these goals. The district recognizes that winning is a desirable outcome, but the growth and development of healthy, mature, responsible students is the primary function.

The interscholastic athletic program provides a valuable experience that should be available to the largest possible number of students. An athlete’s ability to participate will be determined at each coach’s discretion and according to New York State Selection/Classification Program guidelines. Selection of teams will be determined using a variety of evaluation techniques that are specific to each sport.

The success of any program rests with the cooperation between coaches, parents, and student-athletes. Coaches recognize that their responsibilities extend beyond the contest to the positive development of student-athletes. At times, athletic practices and contests may conflict with academics. All coaches recognize that academics come first, and student-athletes seeking academic assistance will not be penalized.


Teams shall be well prepared and able to execute the skills and techniques associated with that particular sport.

Teams shall be expected to display good sportsmanship and positive behavior during practice and game situations.

Teams shall, regardless of their talent or team make-up, be well conditioned, both physically and mentally, and play with enthusiasm while putting forth a quality effort at all times.

Teams shall strive to demonstrate growth and improvement during the season in their play and execution of sports skills and techniques.

Modified teams

Modified team participation shall serve as a developmental process that emphasizes basic skills, introduces players to the varsity program philosophy, and creates school pride and enthusiasm. Participation in interscholastic events will be at the coaches’ discretion and based on skill level, attendance, work ethic, and a positive attitude. Development of the athletic program, rather than winning or losing, will be a major determining factor in deciding participation by modified program student-athletes. All student-athletes will have an opportunity to participate in every athletic contest. Tryouts will be conducted at the modified level. An attempt will be made for all participants to become team members whenever possible. The number of participants will be determined at the coaches’ discretion and the following factors:

  • Athletes’ safety
  • Demonstration of skills
  • Attendance and effort at practice
  • Attitude and compliance with team and school rules
  • Maintenance of productive practices
  • Completion of necessary paperwork
  • Knowledge of the game

Freshman teams

Freshman teams will allow student-athletes to transition from the developmental skill process of modified teams to the promotion of developing winning teams. Freshman teams will promote more students being involved in high school athletics and will provide an opportunity for the student-athlete to continue to develop skills before moving onto junior varsity and varsity athletic teams. Student-athlete participation will vary based on:

  • Skill development
  • Athletes’ safety
  • Attendance and effort at practice
  • Transition from modified competition to freshman competition

A seventh grader will never be placed on the freshman team. A ninth grader may be placed on the JV team (or varsity team in exceptional cases) at the discretion of the coaching staff. Subject to the Athletic Placement Process (APP), an exceptional eighth grader may be placed on the freshman team or the JV team at the discretion of the coaching staff with the expectation that the athlete is good enough to receive regular playing time (˃50%) at that level.

Unified Sports teams

Situations that arise that fall under the scope of the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct will be discussed and evaluated by the coaches, high school principal, and athletic director.

Junior varsity teams

Junior varsity teams will begin the promotion of a winning team concept with the identification of more skilled athletes. Participation in contests will be determined at each coach’s discretion. There will be an emphasis on skill development and continuing to prepare junior varsity team members for the physical, emotional, and mental characteristics necessary for varsity-level play. Attendance, work ethic, attitude, and skill level as evaluated by the coach(es) are the basis for interscholastic participation. Team selection at this level will be based on the following criteria:

  • Athletes’ safety
  • Demonstration of skills
  • Attendance and effort at practice
  • Attitude and compliance with team and school rules
  • Maintenance of productive practices
  • Completion of necessary paperwork
  • Knowledge of the game

Varsity teams

Varsity teams will compete at the highest level with the most competent skilled athletes. The goal is to compete for league championships and qualify for sectional play. The major emphasis shall be promoting the successful development of highly skilled, motivated, and well-conditioned athletes. These athletes should be physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared to compete at this level. They will exhibit pride, sportsmanship, and enthusiasm as well as team unity, regardless of participation. Skill level, work ethic, attendance, and attitude as evaluated by the coach(es) will be the basis for interscholastic participation. Team selection at this level will be based on the following criteria:

  • Athletes’ safety
  • Demonstration of skills
  • Attendance and effort at practice
  • Attitude and compliance with team and school rules
  • Maintenance of productive practices
  • Completion of necessary paperwork
  • Knowledge of the game

Participation at any level will be contingent upon satisfactory academic standing.

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The New York State Public High School Athletic Association handbook (www.nysphsaa.org) will provide the main guidelines governing both boys and girls interscholastic squads. Any policies set forth by the Section 2 Athletics council (www.section2athletics.org) will also serve as governing policies.

Eligibility for athletic participation

Students are eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics if:

  • They are in regular attendance in grades 7-12
  • They are full-time students taking at least five (5) courses/credits, plus physical education, as per Board of Education policy
  • They have not reached the age of 19 prior to July 1, entering their senior year
  • They are amateur athletes, have not played or practiced with an outside team, unless approved in the NYSPHSAA Handbook, or have not used their athletic skill for financial gain

Declaring interest in a sport

It is the responsibility of the student-athlete to express an interest in participating in a sport to the coach/coaches involved prior to the start of the appropriate athletic season. This can be done by signing up during the official sign-up period conducted by the athletic director. By signing up in advance, student-athletes will ensure that proper arrangements can be made to accommodate their participation. For recommended seventh and eighth-grade student-athletes, early sign-up will allow time for the selective classification process.

Sports physicals/medical clearance

All participants must have a physical exam or an updated health re-evaluation before participating on any athletic team. The school physician will be available for physical exams by appointment prior to the start of each sports season. However, student-athletes may also arrange for the physical exam to be performed by their own physician. Regardless of whether they use the school physician or a family physician, student-athletes must ensure that the physical exam and medical clearance occur during the proper timeframe. Student-athletes who have had a valid physical within one year of the new sports season will need to submit a health re-evaluation form (update). All physical examination forms must be reviewed and approved by the school physician. Exams and/or forms that are submitted at the last minute may result in delayed participation.

If the student-athlete has been prescribed a medication that may need to be administered during athletic participation (ex. EpiPen, inhaler, etc.), documentation from the personal physician and parent/guardian must be received in the health office before the student receives medical clearance.

Receiving medical clearance at the beginning of an athletic season does not guarantee clearance throughout that season or for subsequent seasons. If student-athletes miss five (5) consecutive days of athletic participation due to an injury or illness that is in any way related to or impacts their specific sport, they must receive medical clearance from the school physician before returning to athletic participation.


Any student-athlete who has sustained a concussion will be immediately removed from athletic activities for a period of five (5) days. Student-athletes will not be permitted to resume athletic participation until they have been symptom-free for a period of at least 24 hours following the original five days of rest. If there is any doubt as to whether the student has sustained a concussion, the school district will operate on the presumption that the student-athlete does have a concussion.

The following protocol will be followed for clearing a student-athlete to resume athletic activities after sustaining a concussion:

  • Five days of rest during which the student-athlete will be held out of all athletic activities
  • 24 hours symptom-free following the five days of rest
  • Written authorization from the student-athlete’s personal physician to return to athletic activities
  • School physician reviews the following information:
  • Written authorization and instructions from the student-athlete’s personal physician with follow-up communication as needed
  • Review of baseline and follow-up IMPACT/vestibular concussion testing
  • Communication with parent/guardian, as needed
  • School physician recommends a gradual return to athletic participation or continued rest for a designated period of time

Since the law requires the school district to consider all concussions, parents must promptly inform the district of concussions that occur outside of school.

Student ownership and responsibility

Students are expected to commit themselves to their sport and or extracurricular activity.

Student-athletes are responsible for being aware of all practices and competitions, including dates, times, locations, and team commitments. It is also the responsibility of the student-athletes to communicate personally with the coach if they are unable to attend a practice or a competition for any reason. This communication should occur with as much notice as possible.

Student-athletes are responsible for the proper care and return of the school-issued uniforms. It is expected that all uniforms and equipment will be returned to the coach at the conclusion of the season. Student-athletes are responsible for any lost or stolen equipment and are expected to compensate the district for equipment or uniforms that are not returned.

Student-athletes will wear proper attire at all times when participating in athletic practices and competitions.

Physical health and preparation

It is the responsibility of student-athletes to maintain their physical health and conditioning and to prepare themselves for the best possible performance at all times. Strive to get as much rest as possible, especially prior to a competition. Follow basic nutritional guidelines for proper diet and hydration to support physical activity. Take proactive steps to prevent illness, injury, and poor health. All injuries and illnesses should be reported to the coach, regardless of the severity. Use of or possession of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia and being in the presence of illegal drugs or the illegal use of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Students who violate these expectations will be subject to discipline as outlined later in this code of conduct. Use prescription and over-the-counter medications only as directed.

Academic responsibilities

Student-athletes are expected to maintain good academic standing and prioritize their academics over all other commitments. Student-athletes are expected to arrive at school on time, attend all of their classes on a regular basis, and put forth their best academic effort. Specific academic eligibility requirements and consequences are outlined later in this code of conduct.

10th Period

Whenever possible, practices will be scheduled following 10th period (after 3 p.m.) to allow all student-athletes to access academic assistance from their teachers and participate in co-curricular activities. However, when athletic space constraints and other scheduling challenges require practice to begin prior to 3 p.m., student-athletes are expected to prioritize their academic responsibilities over their athletic participation. Student-athletes who need to stay with a teacher or attend a club meeting during 10th period should notify the coach that they will miss or be late for practice. Students who miss a 10th period practice for academic or co-curricular purposes will not be penalized by the coach.


Student-athletes are expected to travel to and from all contests by school-provided transportation. If a student-athlete is not able to take the school-provided transportation to an athletic contest due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict (e.g. medical appointment, driving test, funeral, etc.), then prior approval must be obtained from the athletic director. If the request is approved, then the parent/guardian will assume responsibility for transporting the student-athlete to the contest. Student-athletes will not be permitted to drive themselves to or from athletic contests. If student-athletes wish to ride home from a contest or event with a parent/guardian, the parent/guardian must present themselves to the coach at the end of the contest and sign out the student-athlete. If student-athletes wish to ride home from a contest with a designated adult other than their parent/guardian, they must present a note signed by a parent/guardian to the main office in advance. The note will be signed by an administrator, copied for school records, and returned to the student-athlete to be presented to the coach. The designated adults must present themselves to the coach and sign out prior to leaving with the student-athlete.

Spectator behavior

The Schuylerville Central School District Athletic Program and school community at-large are committed to good sportsmanship and maintaining an environment in which student-athletes can engage in fair play and rigorous competition with the positive support of family, friends, and neighbors. Creating and maintaining such an environment must be a collective effort. Therefore, parents, teachers, administrators, staff members, the student body, and the student-athletes, themselves, are all expected to do their part in promoting a safe and supportive environment for athletic preparation and competition. Likewise, all those who attend Schuylerville athletic events, home or away, are expected to behave in a manner that reflects positively on the school community and promotes good sportsmanship. Spectators who fail to conduct themselves appropriately may be removed from the competition site and may be subject to a long-term ban from attending Schuylerville athletic events.

Please refer to the Section 2 Spectator Code of Conduct, outlined below, for specific rules and expectations. The Schuylerville Central School District campus is a tobacco-free, drug-free, and weapon-free environment in accordance with state and federal law.

Section 2 Spectator Code of Conduct

Spectators are an important part of the games and are encouraged to conform to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behavior. Spectators are to adhere to all district, Section 2, and NYSPHSAA expectations and policies for spectators. Spectators should at all times respect officials, visiting coaches, players, and cheerleaders as guests in the community and extend all courtesies to them. Enthusiastic cheering for one’s own team is encouraged. Booing, whistling, stamping of the feet, and disrespectful remarks shall be avoided. There will be no ringing of bells, sounding of horns, or other noise makers at indoor contests during play. Anyone who does not abide by this rule will be asked to leave the premises. Pep bands or school bands under the supervision of school personnel may play during timeouts, between periods, or at halftime. Bands must coordinate their play so as not to interfere with a cheerleading squad on the floor or field. The throwing of debris, confetti, or other objects from the stands is prohibited. Offending individuals will be asked to leave the premises. During a free throw in basketball games, all courtesies should be extended. Spectators should encourage each other to observe courteous behavior. Improper behavior should be reported to school authorities. Spectators will observe the rules of the local school concerning smoking, food and drink consumption, littering, and parking procedures. Spectators will respect and obey all school officials and supervisors at athletic contests.

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Daily, on-time attendance is expected from all students. Students who do not attend school and/or demonstrate chronic tardiness or absenteeism may be declared ineligible to participate in practices, competitions, rehearsals, club meetings, or events. Coaches, advisors, the athletic director, and administration will monitor the daily attendance and punctuality of all students involved in extracurriculars.

Daily attendance

  • Students shall not be permitted to participate in practice, competition, rehearsal, club meeting or event if absent from school on the day of the event, unless approved by building administration or athletic director based on a valid excuse communicated by a parent/guardian 24 hours in advance. Valid excuses may include funerals, college visits, court appointments, and other appointments that cannot be scheduled outside the school day.
  • Students shall not be permitted to participate in a weekend/holiday practice, competition, rehearsal, club meeting or event if absent on the last day of school prior to the weekend or holiday, unless approved by the building administration or athletic director based on a valid excuse communicated by a parent/guardian 24 hours in advance.
  • Students shall not be permitted to participate in practice, competition, rehearsal, club meeting or event on a school day in which they have missed more than two class periods (late sign in or early release), unless approved by the building administration or athletic director based on a valid excuse communicated by a parent/guardian 24 hours in advance.
  • In the event that student-athletes are absent from a game or practice, the students should be aware that there is a possibility that they could compromise their role on the team. This could include, at the coaches’ discretion, loss of game time, suspension from competition or dismissal from the team. Safety considerations as well as team continuity and the philosophy of the coach/advisor will govern the duration of suspension from active participation in games/events. An extended absence for student-athletes could mean that they have tore-qualify by completing the minimum number of practice dates stipulated by state regulations in order to compete. Vacations taken by student-athletes during the season are deemed unexcused absences and may be subject to discipline, such as reduction of playing time, game suspensions or removal from the team. Students who find it necessary to miss a practice, game or scheduled event must notify the coach and indicate their reason for the absence. This should be done well in advance of the absence. The coach may require documentation in the form of a written excuse from the parent. The coach will consult with the athletic director to evaluate the reason for a missed practice, game or other event and collectively determine whether or not action is warranted. The coach will then inform the student-athlete of the determination. Acceptable reasons for absence may include, but are not limited to: medical and/or dental work that must be scheduled at a particular time; death in the family; sudden personal or immediate family illness; or other specific unavoidable causes of conflict.
  • As members of an interscholastic team, student-athletes should expect that their top athletic priority is their team during the entire season. Participation on another team or in any outside, non-school-sponsored event should never conflict with fulfilling the responsibilities to the interscholastic team and/or violate school, Foothills Council, Section 2 or NYSPHSAA rules. Such events include, but are not exclusive to, club games, college showcases or prospect days. Any violation of this policy will result in the aforementioned response from the coach.

Absence due to illness

  • Students shall not be permitted to participate/attend a practice, competition, rehearsal, club meeting or event on a school day when they miss school due to illness.
  • Students shall not be permitted to participate but may attend a practice, competition, rehearsal, club meeting or event on a school day when they are sent home ill via the health office.

Excessive tardiness

Students are tardy to school when they fail to report to their first period class by 7:50 a.m. without a valid pass. Tardy students are referred to the attendance office, where they are issued a late pass.

Excused vs. unexcused absences

Absences, tardiness and early departures will be considered excused or unexcused according to the following standards:

  • Excused: absences due to personal illness; illness or death in the family; unsafe travel conditions; medical appointments; religious observances; quarantine; required court appearance; approved college visit; approved cooperative work program; and participation in a school-sponsored activity. Documentation of the excused absence needs to be provided on the day of the absence.
  • Unexcused: any absence that does not fit the above categories (e.g., family vacation, hunting, babysitting, haircut, obtaining a learner’s permit, oversleeping, missed bus, etc.)

Students are expected to avoid excessive unexcused tardiness.

  • Level 1: When student-athletes are tardy to school without a valid excuse (unexcused) for a third time during the same athletic season, they will be notified by their coach that they are approaching a consequence for their late arrivals.
  • Level 2: Once student-athletes are tardy to school without a valid excuse (unexcused) for the fifth time during the same athletic season, they will receive consequences as per the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct and be ineligible for practice or competition on the day of or on the day after their fifth unexcused late arrival.
  • Level 3: Once student-athletes are tardy to school without a valid excuse (unexcused) for the 10th time during the same athletic season, they will receive consequences as per the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct and be ineligible for practice or competition on the day of, or on the day after, their 10th unexcused late arrival. The student-athlete will stay at Level 3 for the remainder of that athletic season. The student-athlete will continue to receive consequences and be ineligible for practice or competitions for all unexcused tardy arrivals that follow.

Student-Athlete Code of Conduct and be ineligible for practice or competition on the day of, or on the day after, their 10th unexcused late arrival. The student-athlete will stay at Level 3 for the remainder of that athletic season. The student-athlete will continue to receive consequences and be ineligible for practice or competitions for all unexcused tardy arrivals that follow.

Vacation Policy

In the event that student-athletes are absent from a game or practice, the students should be aware that there is a possibility that they could compromise their role on the team. This could include, at the coaches’ discretion, loss of game time, suspension from competition or dismissal from the team. Safety considerations as well as team continuity and the philosophy of the coach will govern the duration of suspension from active participation in games/events.

An extended absence for student-athletes could mean that they have to re-qualify by completing the minimum number of practice dates stipulated by state regulations in order to compete. Vacations taken by student-athletes during the season are deemed unexcused absences and may be subject to discipline, such as reduction of playing time, game suspensions or removal from the team. Any varsity student-athletes whose season ends during a vacation will be deemed to have left the team and will be subject to the quitting policy outlined in the Code of Conduct (see below). The 30-day ineligibility timeline will start at the conclusion of the present season they are in. However, if student-athletes inform the coach by the conclusion of the first week of preseason, they will be exempted from this stipulation. This will be a hard deadline established for all varsity teams.

In the event that a student has a conflict between athletics, academics and/or a co-curricular event, the student and family will engage the school (building administration, athletic director, coach, co-curricular advisor and/or teacher) in a proactive discussion regarding a positive outcome.

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Student-athletes are expected to maintain good academic standing and put forth their best effort throughout the school year. The opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports is a privilege that can be earned and maintained through consistent effort and academic success. Student-athletes’ grades will be monitored by the athletic department using five-week progress reports and 10-week report cards. Student-athletes who experience academic difficulty may be placed on academic probation or academic suspension until they have raised their course grades and/or demonstrated the necessary improvement in their academic effort and performance.

Academic probation

When student-athletes are found to be failing (progress report) or have failed (report card) one course, they will be placed on academic probation. Student-athletes on academic probation will continue to practice and compete as determined by the coach.

Academic probation may also be triggered between five-week checkpoints whenever two or more of the student-athlete’s teachers inform the athletic director that the student-athlete is not meeting academic expectations. In these cases, the athletic director and principal will review the information provided by the teachers and make a determination regarding academic probation.

A student-athlete’s academic probation will be communicated to the student-athlete, the parent(s)/guardian(s), the appropriate coach and the student-athlete’s teachers. Coaches will be encouraged to address the situation with the student-athlete and take steps to encourage the necessary academic improvement, possibly including, but not limited to, requiring extra help sessions in place of team practice.

It will be the student-athlete’s responsibility to submit a weekly progress report to the coach throughout the period of probation. The progress report will include updated grades and an indication of effort from each of the student-athlete’s teachers. It will be the coaches’ decision how to respond to the information on the progress report and whether to assign team penalties for failing to submit the report.

Student-athletes will be expected to demonstrate significant improvement in academic effort and/or performance by the next five-week checkpoint (progress report or report card).

Note: For fall sports, course grades from the fourth quarter of the previous school year will be used to determine a student-athlete’s academic standing. Student-athletes who failed one or more courses during the fourth quarter of the previous school year will begin the fall season on academic probation. No student-athlete will begin a school year on academic suspension.

Academic suspension

When student-athletes are found to be failing (progress report) or have failed (report card) two or more courses, they will be placed on academic suspension. Student-athletes on academic suspension will continue to practice but will be prohibited from participating in competitions during the period of suspension. These student-athletes will continue to support their teammates by attending all competitions but not dressed in any portion of the team uniform. Competitions not attended by the student-athlete will not be counted as competitions served toward a suspension, unless approved by the principal and athletic director in advance.

Student-athletes will remain on academic suspension at least until the next five-week checkpoint (progress report or report card) or until they are failing no more than one course. If the student-athletes are still failing two or more courses, they will remain on academic suspension until the next five-week checkpoint and so on. Academic suspensions may be appealed.

The student-athlete’s academic suspension will be communicated in writing to the student-athlete, the parent(s)/guardian(s), the appropriate coach and the student-athlete’s teachers. Coaches will be encouraged to address the situation with the student-athlete and take steps to encourage the necessary academic improvement, possibly including, but not limited to, requiring extra help sessions in place of team practice.

Note: Modified student-athletes failing two or more subjects will be placed on academic probation and will be required to attend academic support after school two times per week. Students must show they are making an effort to improve their academic performance. It will be the student-athlete’s responsibility to submit a weekly progress report to the coach throughout the period of probation. The progress report will include updated grades and an indication of effort from each of the student-athlete’s teachers. It will be the coaches’ decision how to respond to the information on the progress report and whether to assign team penalties for failing to submit the report. Student-athletes will be expected to demonstrate improvement in academic effort and/or performance by the next five-week checkpoint (progress report or report card).


Student-athletes may appeal their academic suspension to the athletic director, but must wait no less than two weeks from the start of the suspension. It will be the responsibility of the student-athletes to collect updated academic information from their teachers using a designated academic appeal form. The minimum two-week delay will ensure that teachers have enough new information (grades) to demonstrate that the student-athlete has made sustained improvement. The athletic director and principal will review the updated academic information and communicate a decision within 48 hours. Appeals will be honored when the student-athletes provide sufficient evidence that they are failing or struggling in no more than one course. These students will then be placed on academic probation until the next five-week checkpoint.

Please note that a parent/guardian must endorse the student-athlete’s appeal of an academic suspension by signing the appeal form. The athletic director will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) to confirm their support of the appeal.

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Schuylerville student-athletes are expected to develop productive habits and make decisions that are supportive of their athletic preparation and contributions to the team. Participation in interscholastic sports is a privilege and not a right; it comes with the responsibility to prepare the mind and body for the best possible athletic performance and to make decisions that reflect appropriately on the school and community represented. The expectations for appropriate and productive behavior will apply to the student-athletes at all times during the athletic season, regardless of location or affiliation to the school or the athletic program. Student-athletes who fail to meet these expectations will jeopardize their participation in the Schuylerville Central School District Athletic Program.

Student-athletes may be suspended or removed from the athletic program for school-related and non-school-related offenses as determined by the athletic director and principal, according to the guidelines set forth below. Behavior suspensions may carry over from one season to the next, including from the spring athletic season of one school year to the fall athletic season of the next school year. When a suspension is assigned, it is based on a percentage of the maximum regular season contests allowed in the specific sport. If the suspension carries over to the next season, the athletic director and principal will determine the conversion of the length of suspension based upon the maximum allowed regular season contests in each sport.

The following shall constitute prohibited behaviors and consequences for violations. Consequences are specified; however, the Board of Education and/or administration shall retain the right to exceed any consequences depending on the seriousness or the offense.

Tobacco/electronic cigarettes/nicotine products

Student-athletes shall not use or possess any tobacco product, nicotine product, or electronic cigarette. Offenses and consequences shall be cumulative across the student-athlete’s athletic career (grades 7-12).

First offense: suspension equivalent to 20% of maximum allowed regular season contests.

Student-athletes will continue to practice but will be prohibited from participating in competitions during the period of suspension. The student-athletes will continue to support their teammates by attending all competitions but not dressed in any portion of the team uniform. Competitions not attended by the student-athlete will not be counted as competitions served toward a suspension, unless approved by the principal and athletic director in advance.

Second offense: suspension equivalent to 50% of maximum allowed regular season contests. Student-athletes will continue to practice but will be prohibited from participating in competitions during the period of suspension. The student-athletes will continue to support their teammates by attending all competitions but not dressed in any portion of the team uniform.

If the second offense occurs during the same athletic season as the first offense, the student-athlete shall be suspended for the remainder of the season, regardless of whether the 50% suspension actually consumes the remainder of the season. If the 50% suspension does consume the remainder of the season, any remaining portion of the suspension will be carried over to the next athletic season.

Third offense: suspension from athletic program for one (1) calendar year.

Alcohol/drugs/THC products

Student-athletes shall not use or possess alcohol, use or possess illegal drugs or paraphernalia, use or possess synthetic cannabinoids (designer drugs), use or possess THC products, or be in the presence of the illegal use of alcohol or drugs. Student-athletes shall not use prescription or over-the-counter medication outside of the prescribed/recommended use. Student-athletes who are knowingly in the presence of the illegal use of alcohol and/or drugs (e.g., underage drinking, illegal drug use, inappropriate use of prescription or OTC medication, etc.), will be expected to take immediate and decisive action to remove themselves from the situation.

Offenses and consequences shall be cumulative across the student-athlete’s athletic career (grades 7-12).

First offense: suspension equivalent to 50% of maximum allowed regular season contests. Student-athletes will continue to practice but will be prohibited from participating in competitions during the period of suspension. Student-athletes will continue to support their teammates by attending all competitions but not dressed in any portion of the team uniform. Competitions not attended by the student-athlete will not be counted as competitions served toward a suspension, unless approved by the principal and athletic director in advance.

Second offense: suspension from athletic program for one (1) calendar year, if the second offense occurs within two (2) calendar years of the first offense.

Third offense: suspension from the athletic program for a minimum of one (1) additional calendar year with the potential for permanent removal from the athletic program.

Behavior unbecoming a Schuylerville student-athlete

Participation in the Schuylerville athletic program is a privilege, and student-athletes are expected to behave in a manner that will reflect positively on their teams and their school. As visible representatives of the athletic program and the school district, it is the responsibility of the

student-athletes to make productive decisions at school and in the community. Behaviors that violate these expectations and reflect poorly on the athletic program and the school will be met with proportional consequences. Such behaviors will be identified at the discretion of the athletic director and principal and may include: bullying, harassment, hazing, vandalism, theft, assault and illegal acts resulting in police involvement. Offenses of this nature will be evaluated on an individual basis and may result in suspension or removal from the athletic program as determined by the athletic director and principal. Alcohol and drug-related offenses that result in police involvement may also be treated as “behavior unbecoming a Schuylerville student-athlete” and may result in consequences in excess of those outlined in the alcohol/drug portion of the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct. Student-athletes who are suspended for “behavior unbecoming a Schuylerville student-athlete” will continue to support their teammates by attending all competitions but not dressed in any portion of the team uniform.

Competitions not attended by the student-athlete will not be counted as competitions served toward a suspension, unless approved by the principal and athletic director in advance.

School-related behavior resulting in Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)

Students who are suspended out of school are not eligible to participate in or attend any school-related functions or activities on or off campus during the period of suspension.

School-related behavior resulting in an Alternative Learning Environment

Student-athletes who are assigned to an Alternative Learning Environment will be ineligible for athletic participation for a number of days equal to the number of days of ALE. Whenever possible, the period of athletic ineligibility will begin on the day of the infraction, regardless of when the ALE is scheduled to be served. In situations when the behavior cannot be addressed on the day of occurrence, the period of athletic ineligibility will begin on the day that ALE is assigned, regardless of when it is scheduled to be served. Student-athletes may not attend practice on days when they are ineligible due to in-school suspension. Student-athletes will continue to support their teammates by attending all competitions but not dressed in any portion of the team uniform.

School-related behavior resulting in 10th period detention or extended detention

Detentions will take precedence over athletic participation. When student-athletes miss a practice due to a detention, the coach may elect to impose team penalties (e.g., loss of playing time).

Unsportsmanlike behavior

Schuylerville student-athletes are expected to represent themselves, their teams and their school in a positive and respectful manner at all times. They are expected to interact appropriately with coaches, opponents, spectators and officials. These same expectations apply when they attend competitions for other sports and/or at other schools. Student-athletes who do not comply with these expectations may be subject to team consequences as determined by the coach and/or athletic consequences (including suspension or removal from the athletic program) as determined by the athletic director and principal.

Quitting a team

Schuylerville student-athletes are expected to honor the commitment they make to teammates, coaches and the school by accepting a place on the team. Once cuts have been made or in cases when cuts are not necessary and regular season competitions have begun, student-athletes who quit a team will be ineligible for athletic participation for a period of 30 calendar days, unless waived by the athletic director and principal. Student-athletes who are considering quitting a team are strongly encouraged to consult with their parents and coaches before making a decision. Parents, in turn, are encouraged to communicate with the coaches and the athletic director and/or principal to discuss the situation. The athletic director and principal may waive the period of athletic ineligibility if they determine that allowing the student to leave the team is in the best interest of the student-athlete or the team.


Athletic suspensions are appealable to the superintendent of schools. Appeals must be submitted in writing within five (5) days of being notified of the suspension. The superintendent will communicate a decision on the appeal within 48 hours. The decisions of the superintendent regarding athletic suspensions are final and may not be appealed.

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Student/Parent Acknowledgement Form

Print and sign the following form below to indicate you have read and understand the Schuylerville CSD Student-Athlete Code of Conduct.

Student Athlete Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form

Please note: If you cannot access PDF document on this page, please call (518) 695-3255, ext. 1245 or email Communications to obtain the document in an alternative format.

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