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Forms & Policies

APPR | Child Abuse Hotline | Code of Conduct | Counseling/Guidance Plan | Dignity for All Students Act | Disclosure of Information to Military Recruiters | District Asbestos Management Plan (AHERA) | Districtwide School Safety Plan/Emergency Plan | District Legal Policies | District Website Information | Employment Applications | Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) | Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) | Home School Instruction | Medications in School | Parent’s Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security | Pesticide Notification | Public Relations Use of Media (Opt-Out) | Title IX | Working Papers

Please note: If you cannot access documents on this page, please call (518) 695-3255, ext. 1245 or email Communications to obtain the document in an alternative format.


Pursuant to Education Law Section 3012-d, parents and legal guardians of students may request the final quality rating and composite effectiveness score for each of the teachers and for the principal of the school building to which your child is assigned for the current school year. Please be advised that the law does not allow and prohibits the release of any additional information about the individual teacher beyond the final rating and composite score. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of this right and the process by which you may request such information.

Only parents and legal guardians may have access to the final quality rating and composite score of the student’s teacher(s) and principal. The school district is required by the law to take reasonable steps to insure that the person requesting the information is a parent or legal guardian of the student to whom the teacher(s) or principal is assigned. Therefore, any request must be in writing on the authorized request form. No oral requests will be honored. The school district may request additional verification, such as licenses or other photo identification, to verify that the person requesting the information is the parent or legal guardian of the student. In the case of legal guardians, the school district will require proof of guardianship (e.g., court orders, etc.). The status of the requesting person will be verified against other information concerning the student in the possession of the school district (e.g., information or documents submitted at the time of registration) and the requesting person will be notified once the request has been verified and approved.

Once the request is approved, an appointment with the administrator, or designated individual authorized to release such information, will be arranged. At the meeting the rating and score will be verbally provided. At this same meeting, the parent or guardian will also receive the required explanation regarding the rating and score to best understand them in the context of teacher evaluation and student performance. In the event a parent or guardian is unable to meet in person, they may receive the information verbally by phone.

If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact Superintendent Dr. Ryan Sherman.

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Child Abuse Hotline Notification

If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated (neglected), report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Information about reporting child abuse and maltreatment (neglect) is available online at the New York State Office of Children and Family Services Child Protective Services website.

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Code of Conduct

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Counseling/Guidance Plan

Please note there are tabs for different grade levels in the Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling/Guidance Program document.

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Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

See below for the policy and for the forms used to report bullying, harassing, or discriminatory incidents.

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Disclosure of Information to Military Recruiters

Pursuant to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, the school district must disclose to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning, upon request, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of our high school students. Parents have the right to request in writing that the district not release this information. Requests should be dropped off at the main office of the high school or mailed to:

Student Services
14 Spring Street
Schuylerville, NY 12871

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District Asbestos Management Plan (AHERA)

In accordance with the EPA “Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act” (AHERA) of 1987 (40 CFR Part 763), the Schuylerville Central School District was required to perform the triennial asbestos re-inspection and update the AHERA Management Plan. Schuylerville Central School District last completed the triennial inspection in 2022 and will complete the next round of inspections in 2025. In accordance with AHERA, the district must also examine the existing asbestos in each building at least every six months. The asbestos in the district is being checked in February and August of each year. The plan for the district is available at the Business Office and records are available for review Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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Below are policies, legal notices and information on other types of useful notifications for Schuylerville parents and community members. If you don’t see the information you’re seeking, or cannot access the documents, please call the district at: (518) 695-3255, ext. 3242.

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District Website Information

The Schuylerville Central School District website is designed to provide information about the district. Although no confidential information is displayed on this site, the district reserves the right to inspect and control all information that flows into and out of this site. Supervisory control of material will be enforced.


Schuylerville Central School District strives to keep website information up to date. Any mistakes in website information that are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible. Please contact Communications Director Taryn Kane with any questions. Schuylerville Central School District makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, that the functions, services or information provided by or through our website will be error-free or without defect. The district accepts no liability or responsibility for any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. The district accepts no liability or responsibility for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the website.

The Schuylerville Central School District website contains links to other Internet resources. While the district strives to offer only high-quality links, we cannot be responsible for the evolving content on any other sites. Links are provided as a service only.

Copyright/Acceptable Use

Schuylerville Central School District claims copyright ownership of all information on the district’s website, unless expressly stated otherwise. Other educational institutions may reproduce and distribute, for educational use only, any information on this website as long as Schuylerville Central Schools is given credit and the copyright notice shown on this page is inserted at the head of any copies made. No information from this website may be used for commercial purposes unless Schuylerville Central School District gives its written authorization. Questions about permission should be directed to: kanet@schuylerville.org.

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District-Wide School Safety Plan/Emergency Plan

The Schuylerville Central School District has developed the District Emergency Management Plan as required by New York State Education Law Section 155.13. The regulation requires that each public school district have Emergency Management Plans in place and that information on emergency procedures be provided to all students and staff. The district will provide training throughout the year and conduct at least 12 fire drills, as well as a “go home” drill to test transportation and communication systems. Emergency evacuation information is posted in each classroom. For additional information on the Asbestos Management Plan or the Emergency Management Plan, please contact: Chief Emergency Officer James Ducharme or Superintendent Dr. Ryan Sherman.

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Employment Applications

Visit our Employment page for our current career opportunities. Below are available application forms:

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Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides federal funds to improve elementary and secondary education in the nation’s schools. ESSA requires states and local educational agencies to take a variety of actions to ensure that all children receive the education that they need to be prepared for success in postsecondary education, careers, and citizenship.

Procedures for resolving complaints can be submitted to the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Office of ESSA-Funded Programs, alleging that a local educational agency, grantee, or NYSED has violated a law, rule, or regulation in the administration of any “covered Federal program” under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by ESSA identified in the link above.

These procedures offer parents and other stakeholders a process to file complaints and allow for the timely resolution of such complaints. Complaints filed against a local entity such as a school district, charter school, or grantee will be reviewed by NYSED’s Office of ESSA-Funded Programs. Complaints filed against NYSED will be reviewed by NYSED’s legal counsel.

A complainant may include any of the following: parents, public agencies, and other individuals or organizations.  If the complainant is a minor, the complaint or appeal shall also be signed by his or her guardian, unless the statute or rule under which the complaint or appeal is filed prohibits this requirement. Complaints regarding equitable services for non-public schools should follow the procedures detailed at the NY State Education Department’s Ombudsman web page.

Each LEA in New York State is required to disseminate, free of charge, adequate information about these complaint procedures to parents of students, and appropriate private school officials or representatives.

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Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Requests

Schuylerville Central School District adheres to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) as administered by the New York State Committee on Open Government, an agency that is part of the New York State Department of State. Under the Freedom of Information Law, citizens may request review of certain school district records. Not all information held by a school district is open for public inspection. The Freedom of Information Law website provides the type of information that is deemed public under the law.

Those seeking information under the law from the district should submit a letter to District Clerk Jennifer Tompkins detailing the records they are interested in viewing or copying. The information should be as specific as possible. The request letter may be mailed to:

Jennifer Tompkins
Schuylerville Central School District
14 Spring Street
Schuylerville, NY 12831

or e-mailed to tompkinsj@schuylerville.org. After receiving the letter, the District Clerk will acknowledge the request within five days and indicate whether the information will be provided within the next 20 days. If the information requires extensive research, the time period may exceed 20 days. For more information, please call (518) 695-3255, ext. 3242.

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Home School Instruction

Information for families considering the home school instruction approach to schooling.

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Medications in School

School nurses dispense all medications (including over-the-counter medicines). State regulation prohibits the administration of any medication without a physician’s order and parent’s written permission. ALL medications must be brought in to school by an adult and in the original containers. The instruction for administering the medication must match the written instructions provided by the child’s physician. Medications cannot be dispensed unless the two sets of instructions match.

Parent and Physician’s Authorization for Administration of Medication in School and School Activities

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Pesticide Notification

New York State Education Law and the New York State Education Department Commissioner have adopted the Pesticide Notification requirement in schools effective July 1, 2001. This law requires all public and private schools to provide written notification to all persons who wish to receive 48-hour notification of certain pesticide applications. The following pesticides/applications are not subject to prior notification:

  • The school remains unoccupied for a continuous 72 hours after the application;
  • Anti-microbial products;
  • Rodent bait stations in areas inaccessible to children;
  • Insecticidal baits in tamper-resistant bait stations in areas inaccessible to children;
  • Silica gels and other nonvolatile ready-to-use pastes, foams or gels in areas inaccessible to children;
  • Boric acid and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate;
  • Application of EPA-designated biopesticides;
  • EPA-designated exempt materials;
  • The use of aerosol products with a directed spray in containers of 18 fluid ounces or less when used to protect individuals from imminent threat from stinging and biting insects, including venomous spiders, bees, wasps and hornets.

If an emergency application is necessary to protect against an imminent threat to human health, a good faith effort will be made to supply written notification to those on a notification list. To receive 48-hour notification, please send a written request including your name, address, daytime phone number and evening phone number. The request should also include which buildings (Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Administration Building, Bus Garage) you’d like to be notified about.

Send the written request to:

Director of Facilities, Paul Irish
Schuylerville Central School District
14 Spring Street
Schuylerville, NY 12871

Paul Irish is the school district pesticide representative. He can be reached by telephone at:
518-695-3255, ext. 3270.

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Public Relations Use of Student Data, Photos, Video, Audio (Opt-Out Policy)

From time to time, student photos, video, audio, information (name, grade level, teacher, school, honor roll, awards, art work, etc.) are released for use in district publications, on the district’s website, in the media and on district-sanctioned social media websites to depict Schuylerville Central School District activities. If you object to the use of your photos, video, audio or information featuring your child, please submit a written “opt-out” request to Elementary School Principal Stacy Marzullo (for elementary school students), Middle School Principal Mary Kate Elsworth (for middle school students) or High School Principal James Ducharme (for high school students). Requests need to be submitted annually and by September 10 of each school year. They can be dropped off in the main office of each building or sent to:

Schuylerville Central School District
14 Spring Street
Schuylerville, NY 12871

For more information about this policy, please visit the Public Relations section of our Technology page.

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Title IX & 504 Compliance

The Schuylerville Central School District hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities, including vocational educational opportunities, without regard to sex, race, color, national origin or handicap. Secondary vocational education opportunities available to district residents under the age of 21 are courses in business education, home economics, and technology industrial arts programs. Inquiries regarding this non-discriminatory policy may be directed to the Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ryan Sherman or his designee. These officials will provide information, including complaint procedures, to any citizen, student or employee who feels that his/her Title IX or section 504 have been violated by the district or its officials.

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Technology Forms and Policies

Please visit our Technology page for more information about our technology services, securities and to download and view any relevant forms related to technology and devices.

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Working Papers

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