Illness & Return to School | Emergency Health Contact Forms | Health and Dental Exam Requirements | Immunizations | Sports-Related and Physical Education Information | Screenings | Medications in School | Health Insurance Assistance | Food Allergies | Child Abuse Hotline Notification | BMI (Body Mass Index) Reporting | Other Services
Illness & Return to School
The state of emergency regarding COVID-19 safety protocols were lifted in May, 2023. While there are no mandates to adhere to, the NYSDOH and CDC have the following recommendations for parents to refer to regarding COVID:
The NYS Department of Health, which the district follows for all health recommendations, states for all viral infections or illnesses, students must be symptom and fever free for 24 hours before returning to school, without medication. Masks are not mandated, however they are an option for anyone to wear. As always, if a child has symptoms of any illness, please keep the child home.
Emergency Health Contact Forms
Emergency contact forms are given out at the beginning of each school year. It’s very important that parents complete this form and return it to the health office as soon as possible. Please be sure to list more than one contact person; this is very important in the event of an emergency involving your child. When there are changes in your child’s health or changes in contact names and phone numbers, please call the health office so the information can be updated in the school’s records.
Health and Dental Examination Requirements
New York State law requires a health examination for all students entering the school district for the first time and when entering Pre-K or K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grade.
Physicals also are required for those newly referred to CSE (special education) services and for students who are having triennial CSE reviews.
The examination must be completed by a New York State licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner and on the required NYS School Health Examination Form.
A dental certificate which states your child has been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist is also asked for at the same time.
A copy of the health examination must be provided to the school within 30 days from when your child first starts at the school, and when your child starts Pre-K or K, 1st ,3rd , 5th, 7th , 9th & 11th grade. If a copy is not given to the school within 30 days, the school will contact you.
If your child has an appointment for an exam during this school year that is after the first 30 days of school, please notify the Health Office with the date and the name of the health care provider.
Communication between private health care providers and school health staff is important for safe and effective care at school. Your health care provider may not share health information with school health staff without your signed permission. Please talk to your provider about signing their consent form for the school at the time of your child’s appointment for the examination. We suggest you make copies of the completed forms for your own records before emailing or faxing them to the school health office.
View New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance on the NY Department of Health website.
Sports-Related and Physical Education Information
Sports physicals done by personal doctors must be reviewed by the school physician. Completed physical forms for physicals done outside school must be turned in to the Health Office in a timely manner to avoid delays in sports participation.
If your child has a medical excuse that prevents him/her from participating in interscholastic sports for five or more days, he/she must be reevaluated and cleared for participation by the school physician before returning to the athletic program.
Regular physical education class participation is expected. However, if your child needs to be excused for medical reasons, a note from the personal physician or a one-day parent excuse should be given to the Health Office.
Elementary School
As per New York State law, Schuylerville Elementary School students are screened in grades K, 1, 3 and 5 and as new entrants for vision problems. Hearing screenings are also given to every student in grades K, 1, 3 and 5 and to new entrants. The scoliosis screening is done in grade 5.
If any abnormalities are found, you will receive notification and a referral form to take to your child’s physician. Please request that this referral form be completed once the doctor has tested your child. The form should be returned to the Elementary School Health Office. The Elementary School Health Office staff may be able to assist families in obtaining eyeglasses.
Middle and High School
Schuylerville Middle and High School students are screened for vision and hearing in grades 7 and 11, to students in special education programs and also upon request . The scoliosis screening is done for 7th grade girls and 9th grade boys.
If any abnormalities are found, you will receive notification and a referral form to take to your child’s physician. Please request that this referral form be completed once the doctor has tested your child. The form should be returned to the High School Health Office.
Medications in School
Any medication that has to be taken by a student during school hours or during school activities, even if it’s over-the-counter medication (non-prescription) requires a doctor’s order and written permission from a parent.
All medications must be brought to school in the original containers. The instructions on the label for administering the medication must match the written instructions provided by the child’s physician. Medications cannot be dispensed unless the two sets of instructions match. Problems with this policy can often be solved with a phone call to your child’s physician.
If your child needs to take medication during a field trip, please try to provide an extra labeled container (empty). These containers are typically available from your pharmacist.
Any medications that may be needed while participating in interscholastic sports, such as those for bee stings or asthma, must be given to the health office prior to the sports season. Unless your child has an order to keep this medication on him/her, the coach will keep the medication in a first aid kit. Please be sure to inform the health office of any changes in your child’s medication.
Health Insurance Assistance
Free or low-cost health insurances is available for most uninsured children under age 19 living in New York State. Two programs are available: Medicaid and Child Health Plus. Your child may be eligible regardless of your family income or your child’s immigration status. The Schuylerville Elementary School Health Office staff is available to refer families to the appropriate agencies to obtain insurance.
Food Allergies
If your child has been diagnosed with a food allergy, please notify the School Health Office so that appropriate safety measures may be initiated. For information on food allergies, visit the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) website.
Child Abuse Hotline Notification
If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated (neglected), report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Information about reporting child abuse and maltreatment (neglect) is available online at the NYS Office of Children and Family Services Child Protective Services website.
BMI (Body Mass Index) Reporting
As part of a required school health examination, a student is weighed, and his/her height is measured. These numbers are used to figure out the student’s body mass index or ‘BMI’. The BMI helps the doctor or nurse know if the student’s weight is in a healthy range or is too high or too low. Recent changes to the New York State Education Law require that BMI and weight status group be included as part of the student’s school health examination. A sample of school districts will be selected to take part in a survey by the New York State Department of Health. If our school is selected to be part of the survey, we will be reporting to New York State Department of Health information about our students’ weight status groups. Only summary information is sent. No names and no information about individual students are sent. However, you may choose to have your child’s information excluded from this survey report.
Download a form to opt out of reporting your child’s weight status information.
Other Services
The Health Office staff is available to help families numerous ways—from obtaining needed eyeglasses and other health-related item to providing holiday gift through the district’s Sharing and Caring Program.
We also can assist you in obtaining health insurance for your child. Free or low-cost health insurance is available for most uninsured children under age 19 living in New York State. Two programs are available—Medicaid and Child Health Plus. Your child may be eligible regardless of how much your family earns or your child’s immigration status.
Please call the Health Office for more information on these insurance programs or to obtain the necessary forms.
District Services Links
Contact Health Services
Elementary School Nurses
Rebecca Stanislowsky
(518) 695-3255, ext. 1228
Meet the Elementary School nurses
Middle School Nurse
Yvette Grimes
(518) 695-3255, ext. 2293
High School Nurse
Pam Driscoll
Phone: (518) 695-3255, ext. 2244
Fax: (518) 695-8268