Home » 36 Spring St. demolition

36 Spring St. demolition

On Monday, Jan. 29, Jersen Construction began the demolition of the 36 Spring St. residence, a property acquired by Schuylerville CSD following the budget vote in May of 2022. 

For reference, the following articles published in 2022 detail the land purchase proposition, which was voted on during the May 17 annual budget vote and passed 400-87.

The original plan to research a possible second outlet to reroute campus traffic has been put on hold while the district focuses on the financial implications of the upcoming 2024-25 budget. When eventually revisited, the Department of Transportation will be required to be part of the planning process.

It’s important to note that prior to the demolition of 36 Spring St. the building was deemed structurally unsound and condemned, with a roof that had caved in. In addition, prior to the district purchasing the building, research was conducted to ensure it was not listed on the Register of Historic Places. In 2024, the district received a permit from the NYS Education Department to begin the demolition, and all utilities were shut off.

The construction team will be working within the restraints of Schuylerville’s bus runs and public drop off times; the team will keep their work within the site during those hours to prevent traffic issues on Rt. 29. The removal is expected to be complete by Friday, Feb. 2.

If you have any further questions, please reach out to the district office. Thank you.