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2022-23 budget proposal adopted by Board of Education

The Schuylerville Board of Education adopted the 2022-23 budget proposal that will go before voters on Tuesday, May 17; qualified voters will be able to vote from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the District Office Board of Education room. The $38.6 million proposed budget calls for a 1.50% spending increase and an estimated tax levy increase of 1.32%. State aid projections provide the ability to keep the district’s tax levy below the allowable tax cap of 3.6%. Tax rates for individual properties will be determined over the summer once equalization rates and assessments are available for the district’s seven towns.

Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development

At the start of the 2021-22 school year, the district added a Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development position to its staff using funds from the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) grant. Taking into consideration the effects of COVID-19 and long-range planning for teaching and learning, the district felt it would benefit from having someone full-time to support instruction and professional development. This position has been added into the proposed 2022-23 budget as a permanent role, which will continue to provide the much-needed support for students and teachers, and to assist in navigating the ongoing changes in curriculum and education regulations.

Bus Leasing Proposition

If approved, the bus lease proposition will renew a five-year lease agreement that will replace: seven, 65-passenger buses; two, 65-passenger buses; two, 30-passenger buses; and one, 22-passenger wheelchair equipped bus for the 2022-23 school year. The proposition reflects the five-year total cost of $1,100,750 and will be budgeted annually over five years.

Land Purchase Proposition

If approved, the land purchase proposition will authorize the district to acquire the property located at 36 Spring Street, Schuylerville, New York, at a cost of $199,900, plus reasonable and customary closing costs. 

“Anytime the district can purchase land that is adjacent to school property is a great opportunity,” said Superintendent Dr. Ryan Sherman. “The land purchase will allow the district to work with architects and the Department of Transportation to research a possible second outlet to reroute campus traffic and allow a better traffic flow in the future.”

Board of Education election

During the annual budget vote, voters will also elect one member to the Schuylerville CSD Board of Education, a five-year term beginning July 1, 2022. The seat is currently held by Board of Education President Michael Bodnar. Interested candidates should contact District Clerk, Judi Dunkel, or 518-695-3255, ext. 3242 for a candidate profile that is due April 18 by 2:30 p.m.

Public Hearing

A public hearing on the proposed 2022-23 budget will be held May 3 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Office Board of Education room. 

Click here to view the 2022-23 budget proposal presentation.
