Home » Students raise more than $8K for Ronald McDonald House Charities

Students raise more than $8K for Ronald McDonald House Charities

Ronald McDonald House Charities 2023 group picture at Schuylerville

During its Read for Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region (RMHC-CR) initiative, Schuylerville Elementary School raised $8,102.66, with 79 total participants!

Read for RMHC-CR is a reading-based community service program that partners with local elementary and middle schools. Readers gather sponsors for the reading they plan to do over a month’s time, and all the donations they earn are used to give love and support to families dealing with serious childhood illnesses and injuries.

Program participants start by selecting a reading month. During that month, students track the time they spend reading, and ask family and friends to sponsor their efforts. At the end of the month, donations are gathered and returned to RMHC-CR. Throughout the month, participants can also collect donations online through their own personal fundraising pages.

The following Schuylerville students earned $300 or more in donations:

  • Roman Ferrone
  • Kathryn Hanecak
  • Alexandria Ferrone
  • Elliot Hempstead
  • Amelia Winney

Ice bucket splashCongratulations to Mr. Carner and Mrs. Daviero’s classrooms for having the most participants. Students celebrated their fundraising efforts with a pizza party and an ice water bucket pour onto their teachers!

Thank you to all who participated in this wonderful outreach!
