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High School Instrumental Music Director a quarterfinalist for Grammy Music Educator award

June 11 update: Schuylerville High School Instrumental Music Director Michael Craner has been selected as a quarterfinalist for the 2021 Music Educator Award, presented by the Recording Academy and Grammy Museum. There were 2,000 nominations and 216 quarterfinalists. Congratulations to Schuylerville High School Instrumental Music Director, Michael Craner, who has been nominated for a Grammy Music Educator award, an award designed to bring attention to the excellent and impactful work being done by thousands of music teachers across the United States. Music Educator applicants will be evaluated based on the demonstrated evidence that they:

  • Have made a measurable difference in the lives of students.
  • Have made a significant and lasting contribution to the field of music education.
  • Are exemplars of the best in the field.
  • Have shown a commitment to the broader cause of maintaining music education in our schools.
  • Have made a significant impact on their school and community.

“I am completely humbled and honored by this nomination,” said Craner. “I never expected anything like this to happen.  Even if it doesn’t go any further, I will always be most grateful for the nomination. Music is a major part of who I am, including everything I have done and will do in my life.” Current, full-time educators in the United States who teach music in public or private schools, kindergarten through college are eligible to be nominated.
